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Arcadian Blog — Stud Mount

MIMO/Diversity Omnidirectional Antenna for 4G/LTE

Posted by Michael Crudele on

A client was recently looking for a new MIMO omnidirectional antenna for 3G/4G/LTE. He expressed his confusion and stated that he was originally looking at EAD’s LMO7270 but hoping to receive other ideas. So we come to the main point of this blog, do we have the EAD’s LMO7270 or an equivalent? Yes.   We offer multiple antennas for your dual 3G/4G/LTE MIMO needs, but the ones we recommend are RFMAX’s RBDM-44-SS-6 and RBMM-44-SS-6. RBDM-44-SS-6 is RFMAX’s direct mount MIMO 3G/4G/LTE/Diversity LTE cellular antenna. With dimensions of 7.9 in x 3.5 in x1.8 in, it’s a compact and ultra-rugged antenna designed...

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