Best External Antennas for Laird's Sentrius RG191: 915 MHz LoRaWAN Gateway
Posted by Michael Crudele on
The RG191 (US part # 450-0191) is an IP67 rated, 915 MHz LoRa WAN Gateway manufactured by Laird (formerly LSR / LS Research.) This LoRa gateway is typically used in smart metering, remote sensing, Industrial automation, monitoring and M2M / IoT.

The unit has two external antenna ports, type RPSMA-Female, for adding higher gain outdoor antennas. For customers looking to replace the dipoles normally included with the gateway, here is what we recommend…
- Outdoor LoRa Antenna # ROSA-900-SNF
- Outdoor Antenna Angled Mounting Bracket # SBA1001
- LMR195, 5 foot low-loss coax jumper cable # PT195-005-RSM-SNM
If the above 5 foot cable jumper is not adequate, then longer cable options are available. Finally, UL Certified Surge Arrestors are highly recommended in any outdoor installation, part # RSP-90-3-SNF-SNFBH.
Have another 915 MHz device such as a Helium Miner?